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Albanian Language ShqipWhy Hostinkos

Hosting service designed
for students and teachers.

Web hosting for schools? Hostinkos is the right choice for any student or teacher looking to host various educational applications.

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About Us

Supporting education is one of the ways we contribute to the public good.

We provide web hosting solutions for the education world to increase productivity, drive innovation and enable them to become more cost efficient.

Read more at About Us



How do we qualify?

Just ask yourself these three questions:

1. Are you a student or teacher?
2. Do you need web hosting for a project related to school or education?
3. Can you not afford the regular web hosting rates?

If you can answer yes to all three questions, then you qualify.

That's all you need. You do not need to prove you are a student or that you have a .edu account.
We trust you.

See all plans

pricing table

  EDU €1.49 /mo €12 /year EDU Plus €1.99 /mo €20 /year
SSD Web Space 10 GB 15 GB
Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited
Free Subdomain
Free Domain Registration (.com)
MySQL Database
Email Account
FTP Account
Free SSL Certificate
cPanel included
14 Days Money-back
Get Started Get Started

Our education web hosting plans are designed for students who need web hosting to practice their skills or complete a class project. It is also for teachers who need hosting for class notes or other school-related projects. Moreover, if you are a school that is interested in moving your website to Hostinkos, all you need to do is get in contact with our friendly team who will help get you set up.

How long does it take to set up my account?

We set up education hosting accounts manually as we need to carefully vet all applicants. Assuming you qualify, we should be able to get you set up within a few hours. If you have an existing web site, we should be able to migrate it across for you within 24 hours.