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Po kërkoni të rritni biznesin tuaj? SEO mund të ndihmojë. Ne ofrojmë një gamë të gjerë shërbimesh të optimizimit të motorëve të kërkimit, duke përfshirë: auditimet fillestare, optimizimin on-site dhe on-page.

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Ne jemi SEO konsulent të specializuar në zhvillimin dhe zbatimin e strategjive për ueb dhe SEO për të ndihmuar në përmirësimin e renditjes së faqes tuaj në motorët e kërkimit.

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Ne i japim faqes tuaj të re apo ekzistuese një ekspozim më të madh duke u shfaqur më lart në motorët e kërkimit për më shumë terma kërkimi.

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Përmirëso Vlerën

Ne përmirësojmë përvojën e përdoruesve të faqes për klientët tuaj, duke rritur mundësinë që ata të kthehen sërish.

Ne besojmë në çmime të ndershme dhe komunikim të qartë. Pakot tona të web dizajnit të listuara më poshtë janë krijuar për t'iu përshtatur nevojave të ndryshme, dhe ne ofrojmë informacion të detajuar në lidhje me shërbimet e përfshira në secilën prej tyre. Pa tarifa të fshehura ose surpriza—thjesht çmime të drejtpërdrejta dhe vlerë të jashtëzakonshme.

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Dizajnojmë dhe ndërtojmë uebfaqe të shpejta që Google i rendit lart

Ne kujdesemi për gjithçka që lidhet me uebfaqen, duke vepruar si zgjatje e ekipit tuaj

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Jo 5 fatura të ndryshme
SEO is the process of helping your website rank higher in search engine results. SEO starts with ensuring that your site can be found by search engines like Google and Bing and then looks at ways to optimise your site so that it appears high in the search results. Doing this successfully can significantly increase the number of visitors your website gets and, consequently, improve revenue. The value of SEO is that organic traffic, the visitors from search engines, is free. The more organic traffic you receive, the less you will need to rely on paying to advertise your website.
To optimise your website, you’ll need to understand how search engines work. When someone types a query into a browser, the search engines use complicated programs, known as algorithms, to find the best results for the user. Search engines use their own algorithms, so they don’t produce the same results. Today, these algorithms are so sophisticated that they are capable of producing different results for different users. Even if users type the same query, search engines will take into consideration the data they hold about each user and their recent search history to try and personalise the results. To find the right results for different users, algorithms look at a wide range of factors, known as ranking criteria. It is estimated that there are over 200 ranking criteria and only the search engines themselves know exactly what these are and the importance of each. What we do know is that search engines compare sites based on the topics of their web pages, the quality of information, the security and reputation of the site, how quickly it loads, whether its mobile-friendly, where the business is located and so forth. One thing website owners need to remember is that SEO doesn’t stand still. Search engines work constantly to improve their algorithms and this means the criteria they judge sites by change over time. For this reason, SEO is an ongoing process, constantly responding to algorithm advancement.
There are three strands to SEO: on-page, on-site and off-site. On-page SEO refers to optimising the content of your site, i.e. the information that you publish for your visitors. The most important ranking factor is the quality of the information you publish, something search engines judge by looking at the number of other websites that have linked to it, how long people stay on the page, how up-to-date the content is and the terms used in the content. For some types of content, the length of the information is also important, with detailed information preferred to thin content. Aside from creating high-quality content, one of the chief ways to carry out on-page SEO is to include keywords and key phrases in your text. Keywords and phrases are the terms that users will search for in a query and if you want to rank for them, you will need to include them in your text. Ideally, you should include them in page titles, URLs, sub-headings, content and meta-descriptions, though you should not overuse them as this can get you penalised for what is known as ‘keyword stuffing’. Besides keywords, you should also include associated terms that a user would expect to find.
On-site SEO is all the things you do on the backend of your website to help your site rank better. These include:
  • ensuring that the website can be crawled and indexed by search engines – otherwise, it won’t appear in any search result
  • making your site user-friendly by being mobile-friendly, well-structured, easy to navigate and straightforward to use
  • making your website secure for users by installing an SSL certificate that encrypts data sent between a user’s browser and your web server so that it cannot be stolen.
Off-site SEO is about improving the reputation of your site. This is a key ranking criterion and can take time to establish. One of the ways search engines judge reputation is through backlinks: the number of other sites that link to yours. Today, search engines are aware that some people try to game this system by asking for or paying for backlinks and will penalise sites that they suspect of doing this. What they make use of, however, is how many other high-quality sites link to your content. Links from government, education, news and industry-specific sites are especially helpful. To achieve this, your content needs to be high-quality or you need to provide high-quality content for these sites with a link back to your own site. There are other ways to judge quality that are less difficult to achieve. These include positive reviews of your business and keeping visitors engaged on your website for longer
Some aspects of SEO can be technically challenging while others are time-consuming. If you are looking for something that’s quite simple to do but which can have a significant impact on how well your site ranks, then it is probably signing up with Google My Business. Google My Business is, essentially, a free business listing with Google. The information you provide to Google when you register will help your site perform better in relevant searches and enable users to find out more about the products and services you offer. It also helps people local to your business find you, even if you only trade online.
Link strategies have predominantly focused on trying to get other websites to link to yours. For a start, outbound links can let search engines better understand the topics of your website, helping them know its relevance for particular searches. While you may have concerns that they give users a backdoor to leave your website, they actually make your content more user-friendly, adding depth to the subject matter you are writing about. This is something valued by both the user and the search engine. What’s more, by demonstrating knowledge and pointing to evidence that supports your content, outbound links can also improve customer trust in your expertise.
There are two kinds of sitemap. HTML sitemaps you create yourself for the benefit of your customers. They are web pages designed for navigation purposes and contain a list of links to your posts and pages.
The others are XML sitemaps which are often generated automatically by your website software or by the use of a plugin. These contain a list of links to your entire website: categories, posts, pages, products, images and other media. Their purpose is to help search engines discover everything on your site so that it can be indexed. Unless it is indexed by the search engine, it won’t turn up in search results and so cannot be found by users.
Many small businesses rarely need to update the information on their website because the services they offer don’t change. In contrast, search engines prefer to offer their users information that is fresh as they consider it to be more relevant. You wouldn’t be happy doing a ‘what’s on in my area?’ search if you were supplied with details of events which had already happened. For this reason, search engines take the dates that pages were published and updated into account when ranking them. If you have old content, you should update it occasionally, even if it’s only minimal or cosmetic. Even better, create a blog for your website so that new and genuinely fresh content is regularly being added.
Keywords still remain an important element of SEO though search engine algorithms have become so sophisticated they can accurately understand the topic and relevancy of your content without having to rely solely on them. The keywords you do use should include the names of any products you sell, the services you offer and if you are a local business, the locations in which you operate.
Ideally, each page should have a different keyword focus and the keywords should be used in the page title, headings and subheadings, main text, image alt-text and meta descriptions. However, do not saturate your content with the same keywords as this can have a negative impact on SEO. Overall, look to have a maximum keyword density of around 1% to 2%.
Backlinks from high ranking, reputable websites can have a massive impact on your SEO as they are seen as improving your website’s domain authority. If you write an article on something and a university or the BBC links to it, it is a sign that what you have written is of high quality and this makes it appealing to search engines. Similarly, if one of your products is so good that it gets linked to by a major newspaper, the same can happen. The only way to get these types of backlinks is to earn them – either through the quality of your content or the work of your business.
When you have an SSL certificate, search engines label your site as secure on web browsers. This form of commendation is useful as it increases the likelihood that customers will buy from you.
From an SEO perspective, SSL certificates can be very beneficial. Search engines want to protect their users and would much rather provide them with a list of secure websites than those considered not secure. A site with an SSL certificate, therefore, is far more likely to rank better than a site without one.
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